

House of Oz Undone (a cautionary tale)

“The incredible writing of the Divine Eleanor opens hearts and minds to the true loving inclusiveness of our God and dispels the thoughts of meanness, prejudice, and worship of money and power that seems to have taken hold of so many minds In our country today…..Thank goodness for those like this dear woman who not only see so clearly what is wrong here now, but also has the talent to use her creative writing to open eyes and ears to the truth….May God Bless her and the America she seeks to help return to sanity and love….Thank You….(You will love this book!).—Amazon Review



August, 2021

Author, Eleanor Tomczyk, appeared in the Talk of the Colony magazine with other authors who live in Ford’s Colony to feature her books, speaking and book club availability.

Author, Eleanor Tomczyk, chillin’ in her 70s and still writing…

Author Eleanor Tomczyk greeting fans at the Williamsburg, Va Book Festival/Oct. 2019

Motivational speaker and Author Eleanor Tomczyk teaching storytelling at Ford’s Colony Newcomers’ Meeting/2018

“I am a teacher who writes—not a writer who teaches.”—Maya Angelou

The Author doing what she does best: telling stories that touch hearts.  An hour spent with the lovely ladies of N Street Village telling humorous stories and reading from her first book Monsters’ Throwdown made this book signing in Washington, DC, which was standing room only, one of the most exhilarating times of the Author’s life.